Saturday 27 October 2012

It sounds an echo in my soul

how can I keep from Singing.

Watching the final episode of BBC2's The Choir Sing While You Work, I was in awe of how far these choirs have come in a few short months. To be sure, they spent a long time rehersing just one song, whereas Singing Aloud reherses two or more songs every week, but the progress made was astonishing.

At the end of the final, the four choirs joined forces to sing 'How can I keep from Singing' Their version is not available (yet) on Youtube so here's an American Female acapella choir's version. I think this vesion might suit Singing Aloud.

Singing as a member of a choral group, creating such wonderful harmonies and uplifiting sounds is a life-enhancing experience.

As a fellow member of Singing Aloud commented on Facebook  "Gareth - I will never tire of watching you change peoples' lives through singing. What a joy!"