We took MWNN's eyes to see the specialist in Norwich. On the way there, and on the way back, we visited the Elveden Estate at the Courtyard. Click through pics for larger images.
On the way out, we had lunch at the Courtyard. Afterwards, MWNN had a rest in the car and I took Ron on the mile-long Eleveden Trail.
It was blisteringly hot, but, once into the woods, the forest air-conditioning kicked in.
Elveden is a large estate (Centre Parks is situated in Elveden Forest) Tank trials for WWI were carried out on the estate.
The soil is sandy. There are two reservoirs that are used to irrigate the farmland in dry months. Potatoes and onions are the main root crops that thrive in these conditons.

The woodland is mixed. Christmas trees and instant hedges are grown commercially on the estate. There are some beautiful London Plane trees on the trail.
The estate is also home to some rare wildflowers, some of which are to be found nowhere else in the world.
More common wildflowers were in evidence on the trail - like this Dark Mullain,
digitalis purpurea.
and wild raspberries
We made our way to the hotel where we were staying the night, and then on to the Spire Hospital where the specialist runs his clinics. He was running late, so I stayed outside in the grounds with Ron, for about 20 mins.
After a resonable, late, breakfast in the hotel courtyard the following day, we headed home, stopping at Elveden again to pick up some of their home produced pork and beef.
On our way home, MWNN joined Ron and me on the trail. We took our lightweight folding chairs so that we could stop, if necessary, for a rest.
Ron and I waited at the beginning of the trail, as MWNN needed to put on socks to walk in his sandals.
We didn't need to stop for a rest, and at the end of the trail, I went back to the car for the backpack with the elevenses' tea flasks. MWNN set up the chairs and we had a lovely cuppa in the air-conditioned forest. Rain threatened to stop play, but the forest canopy kept us dry until the shower stopped.
I tried to buy some Beckland Orchard posh pops sugar free, cloudy lemonade, that I had with lunch the previous day, but it was out of stock. However, I discovered that the producer is just 35 mins away from home. The hunt is on for more sugar-free products.