Tuesday 28 June 2011


It was so bloomin' hot yesterday and I had to go out to get my prescription meds and do a little bit of shopping. While in the supermarket, I spotted some Twinings Amber Keemun on special offer. It's decades since I had any Keemun,so I bought a packet along with some Lancashire Eccles Cakes. I also bought some moisturising bath creme for very dry skin as my eczema had been keeping me awake again.

Back home and a short 5 mins ball play with Ron had him panting furiously. I filled the bath, adding the new creme as it filled with luke warm water. Once in, Ron asked to join me so, after washing and rinsing my hair, I got out and lifted him in.

We both felt so much better after our bath and had a cup of Keemun (I take mine with milk) and an Eccles cake while we dried off. I then smothered myself in E45 and hadn't a trace of an itch all day. The chest was loosened and the cough not nearly so bothersome. However it's back with a vengeance this morning - I'm already exhausted.