Monday, 14 November 2011

Sea Sand and sun soaking

Sunny Covehithe

MWNN and I really enjoyed the beach-combing week in Suffolk.

Sothwold Beach

Dunwich Beach

Ron did too, although we stopped throwing his ball on the beach after he was swept under by a wave. He quickly re-appeared and went snorkling for the ball, which, luckily, was in the shingle at his feet.

Most days, it was overcast with a distinct wind-chill and I got soaked on Dunwich beach after the waves broke over the top of my wellingtons. MWNN very unkindly took pictures of my 'striptease' in the back of the Berlingo where I changed wet jeans for dry jogging bottoms.

Covehithe beach

The dramatic change in the weather began on Wednesday, when the clouds rolled away, the wind dropped, and the sun appeared.

A long walk to the sea at Covehithe on Thursday (the direct route is over the cliff edge - very Thelma and Louise) was rewarded by good beach-combing in brilliant sunshine, on the totally unspoiled beach.

Benacre Nature Reserve

We had no sooner commented on how obedient Ron is for a terrier, when he made a bid for (hunting) freedom in the reedbanks alongside the coastal lagoon (click the picture for a glimpse of Ron contemplating going AWAL) that is part of Benacre Nature reserve. I had to follow the sandy path through the edge of the reed beds where he'd disappeared and grab his harness when he struggled past me in search of his prey.

Ron at Covehithe.

There's never a dull moment when there's a Ron about. He's a Fell Terrier from his super-keen nose to the tips of his fingers paws and waggly tail.

 Click for more pics