Saturday, 16 October 2010

TV drama - people watching.

What is it about Downton Abbey that makes it so good? For me, it's probably Maggie Smith's performance in the original trailer (and episode 2). When the mother of the new 'heir' to the estate asks the Lady Grantham (Maggie Smith) 'So what should we call each other?' she replies 'Well we  could always start with Mrs Crawley and Lady Grantham."

I was surprised that this drama was not produced by the Beeb but by ITV. While some of the characters may not be totally 'right' for the period (1912), the relationships between them and the varied facets of human nature  are portrayed very well on both sides of the 'green baize door' and the setting and cinematography are perfect. One bonus of the ITV iplayer is that episodes are available for a month after airing.

I'm hooked.

Speaking of people watching (we were, weren't we?) I've just twigged who Phylis Logan (Mrs Hughes) reminds me of - she's a younger version of a friend I knew when working at my last school. I met up with Margo again two years' ago. We are both members of the same knitting group and the same Red Hat Society Chapter.