Friday, 13 November 2020

The Romahome's Return

Levant II has just returned from her Habitation check. After a bit of fake news, (the van floor is wet - well yes, the dog keeps overturning his water bowl and there hasn't been time to de-humidify the van yet ), the only things needing doing were a gas leak chase and repair, new butane gas hose, two new light tube bulbs. I am so pleased. The Eberspacher combi isn't working but it can wait until next Spring to track down a local(ish) engineer.

I think I have now conquered all the locks, and the gas taps. I haven't managed the steadies yet. I can't budge them. The roof remains a two man job.

Levant II is now parked on the drive in the sunshine. Later, I will plug in the electrics and get the de-humidifier going. The interior needs a bit of a spruce-up (upholstery needs vacuuming and cleaning and the under-bed storage needs cleaning and organising. I'm hoping to do a trial sleepover on the drive some time over the weekend. My project for the winter will be to make sure that the van remains dry and clean and make the inside cosy and habitable in time for my first trip in March 2021.

Thank you to everyone here who has guided me through the search for, and purchase of my new land-cruiser in which I will continue to explore the world and make new memories. I look forward to joining those of you who are fellow campers at various locations in the uk, in 2021.

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