Don’t worry: being human is designed to be a work in progress~Dan McCarthy
Today is the 47th anniversary of the day MWNN and I were married, at Liverpool Registry Office, almost one year exactly to the day we became a couple.
I've always felt slighly bemused when people say they're going somewhere meaningful (to them) to 'find themselves'. Where do they get the idea that the self is something complete and finished? Do they believe that there is a lost self 'out there' somewhere, waiting to be 'found'?
The Knitter understands the 'work in progress' (WIP). It's the 'becoming' of a finished work, stitch by stitch, row by row, sometimes going back and picking up stitches left behind to complete a section (such as a sleeve or a button band) that form part of the whole.
Like Charles Fernyhough, I believe that self can feel such a singular fixture, hugging one’s here-and-now like a twenty-four-hour undergarment, but actually it’s a string, looping back and forwards in time to knit together our past and future moments.