Sunday, 24 January 2016

New Kitchen - Day 152

The water damage was discovered when the lino was laid in the utility room. Although the kitchen was finished on 22nd October, related works (drying of four rooms, re-plastering etc) has dragged on - and on and ......

Day 152 and the work began on restoring the rooms that have been dried and re-plastered (very competently and cleanly, by alfaplasterers ) First, the door to the study was replaced.

Hopefully, the utility area will be warmer, now that there is no longer an icy blast emanating from an unheated, north-facing room).

The study and shower rooms are still without radiators, which can't be re-instated until the walls are decorated (next weekend.)

The decoration of the shower room has begun. Some wall tiles went up today, after the study doorway was finished.

The end is in sight - almost. Next week the remaining work will be done by our builder, but it will be February before the flooring company replaces the vinyl in the study, utility, and larder.

We are so far behind with our planned work schedule. I had hoped to replace the flooring in the dining/sitting room, hall. stairs, and landing by the end of February. We are both fatigued from all the upheaval and shifting of furniture and stuff. I'm hoping to get the work done during our holiday in Southwold in mid March,

In the meantime, I'm spending some of the voucher money MWNN gave me for Christmas, on a massage next week.