Wednesday 15 February 2012

A change

is  as good as a rest.

We had both been a bit cooped up during the bad weather and I was feeling very much better, so we went to Ely for Valentine's Day.

Peacock's tea rooms

We walked beside the river, spoke to some liveaboards, watched King's College boat crew practicing on the river, talked to the man in the Chandlery about boat stoves, and didn't have tea at Peacocks (once again we were in Ely on one of the two days - Monday and Tuesday, that the tea-shop is closed.)

Geese and Muscovy ducks (Quai d'Orsay)

Ron enjoyed the walking part. He investigated every hole along the river's edge, met lots of doggie friends (including a look-alike called Roly) barked at and attempted to seize the Muscovy ducks and didn't skip or bunny hop once.

Willow tree on the Quai d'Orsay Promenade

I really like the Quai d’Orsay. It's a place we've moored alongside a few times and admired the Cathedral as well as the ducks and geese. We had to leave our boat there for months one year, because floods prevented us returning to our home mooring on the Middle Levels (we were Middle Levels' Watermen) via Denver Sluice.