Wednesday 8 June 2011

Cast on and castaway stress

The health benefits of knitting – reducing stress and anxiety, and alleviating depression and intractable pain – are promoted by former NHS physiotherapist Betsan Corkhill ...... read more

Copyright  tanaudel
Of course, I knew all this, but this reminder is very welcome. When we first arrived in France in early April, I had a sudden ( and very severe) eczema flare-up. I'd left the cream my GP had prescribed at home as it was open and therefore needed to be kept in the fridge. A swift appointment with a dermatologist at the nearest clinic provided me with tons of replacement.

No doubt about it, the cream works. But it must be used only when there's an itch and, at first, the itch returns before the next dose is due. The problem of the nagging desperate need to scratch is somewhat alleviated by doing some knitting, especially knitting that requires concentration, counting, and record keeping of the place in the pattern.

"The rhythmic repetitive movements induce a form of meditation similar to mindfulness – that pleasant state of mind when you’re existing “in the moment”, not mulling over the past or fretting about the future. Knitters find they can “zone out” – and escape into the sanctuary of a quiet mind.’ Knitting can also help anyone giving up damaging addictions such as smoking or alcohol." - or the urge to scratch an itch.

Back home, I have more cream and advice from my GP about how to manage the eczema flares - but not a word was said about how to control the need to scratch. Thanks to the Cafe Knit Blog for the timely reminder.