Friday 20 May 2011

Not a total waste of time.

The new Berlingo outside Le Chauderon

We wasted almost a whole day in a fruitless search for a canal bridge full of graffiti that MWNN wanted to photograph. We differ in our recollection of where the bridge was and there are some bridges that are inaccessable by road.

However, the day was not totally wasted. On our third circuit around Menessis, we found ourselves  on the way to Jussy. It being almost 1pm, we stopped for lunch at 'Le Chauderon'. We'd discovered this great little workman's restaurant during our week in Gite no2. On the first visit, MWNN discovered leek pie; this time, he admitted to liking rabbit stew. The tiramasu which he chose for dessert was 'delicious'. My 'fruit rouge' tart was the best I'd had since I was a child.

Ron on the Port 'estate'.

We ate at an outside table and Monsieur le Chef came out and made the mistake of going up close and staring at Ron in his travel crate in the back of the Berlingo. Who would have thought that the dog in the photo (right) could turn into a ravening wolf at such provocation? I took him out of the crate so that he could greet Monsieur in his usual cheerful manner (especially when I explained to Ron that this Monsieur was the chef who had cooked the rabbit of which he had been given a fair share.)

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