Friday, 1 March 2019

And they said it wouldn't work

A WIP for St David's Day

The odds were stacked against us. We were both penniless students and I was still a teenager. We had nowhere to live, in fact, we were living in student accommodation in different cities. But the taxman was offering a rebate of the previous year's tax if we married before the 1st April. So, we married on 20th February 1970.

Apart from 2010, which was special, we don't mark the February  date. Rather, we celebrate the date we became a couple, almost one year earlier, on March 1st, 1969.

It amazes me just how much has happened since then, how much we've changed and yet how some things never change. We've had good times and bad, but I never once regretted the decision to put the relationship on a legal footing.

It was the end of the 'Swinging 60s' and they said 'all you need is love'. Add to that a lot of hard work, good luck, and making the most of opportunities offered, and here we are, 50 years later, still working on proving the naysayers wrong.