Thursday 25 November 2010


I envy America her Thanksgiving tradition. Family members usually gather in the home of an older relative and give thanks for all the good things they have, during the Thanksgiving meal. Thanksgiving Day can be traced back to 1863 when President Lincoln proclaimed the day a national holiday. It has been a fixture of late November ever since. 

Thanksgiving ceremonies and celebrations for a successful Harvest are both worldwide and very ancient. In the Uk  Harvest Festival is the closest thing we have to Thanksgiving. In former times, at British churches, chapels and schools, people would bring in food from the garden, the allotment or farm. The food was distributed among the poor and senior citizens of the local community, or used to raise funds for the church or charity. In more recent times, cans and packets have replaced the fresh produce and the celebration is in decline (especially in urban areas) and not widely observed.

In the run-up to Christmas, which has been hijacked by marketing companies (Coca Cola nabbed St Nicholas decades ago) , and is now a materialistic grab-fest, it would be so nice to spend some time giving thanks for the good things in life. I am thankful for MWNN, Ron, The Daughter and Son-in-Law,  for good food, clean water on tap, a warm secure home, and for music and the ability to hear in stereo again.

and for champagne and rose and violet cremes.